Tonight is Christmas Eve, and the world seems quiet and
peaceful as choirs sing of the birth of the Savior. I think of that first
Christmas night, when the baby was born in Bethlehem and the angels appeared to
the shepherds singing Hosannas! One of our most famous Christmas carols sings
how on that night, “The hopes and fears of all the years, are met in Thee
I think of all the heavenly beings watching the Savior born
and knowing that through Him, death would be banished forever, and salvation
made possible. Mary, I am sure, knew He was the Messiah, but on that night, she
must have wondered how His life would unfold. How would He accomplish His great
task? What type of child would He be? What would His personality be? So many
questions must have filled her heart that night, especially after the shepherds
appeared telling of the angels who had told them of His great glory.
Did Joseph and Mary ever wonder if Jesus would fulfill His
great mission? Did Christ ever doubt whether He would accomplish the salvation
of the world? I am sure the angels knew Christ would fulfill their hopes, but
were those who were closest to Christ as sure of His success? Perhaps that was
why the carol mentions not only the “Hopes” of eternity, but the “Fears,” too.
I think of all the mothers who look at their new-born babes
and wonder how their lives will turn out.
Will their child be musical, or not? Will he/she live a long life, or
will it be cut short? What will he/she make of their life?
I brought my first born son on Christmas day, 48 years ago.
I remember looking at him and wondering what he would make of his life. The
years since have borne out the hopes I had for him that long ago day, when Ed
was far away fight a war in Vietnam and I didn’t even know whether my son’s
father would come home from the war.
Each of my children have accomplished my hopes for them. Though
there is much left for me to wonder about them, I feel gratified to know that
they are all healthy, happy and raising their own families in a good manner. Most
importantly, they all believe in the Savior Who will redeem us—and Who will
truly bring peace to our war-filled world.
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