Sunday, March 29, 2020

Going Back in Time--Hawaii 2020, part 3

Wilder Road

We got off the main highway on Kaumana Drive and turned onto Wilder Drive about two miles from Hilo. There we saw the house that we lived in all those years ago. Considering it is the same age as the house I live in today, it was newly renovated.

our house in 1979

The house today
Marc in front of house

 When we lived in our house, there were sacred “ti” plants on the four corners, to keep the evil spirits out.

We had a small, untidy hedge consisting of poinsettia plants facing the road. The front yard was predominantly black lava rocks with various piles of lava representing mountains, rivers, etc.

We had “hapu’u” or tree ferns were about the yard, with Ed planting a row of them on the right side of the house and various small climbing orchids growing on it.

The backyard was a shallow layer of dirt planted in grass, over lava. Frogs loved to hide in
Marc on top of the pile of dirt while we made a back yard
the pockets of water in the backyard, and I recall turning on the back-patio light one night and watched the frogs jump in the yard. It wasn’t an ideal backyard to play football in, so Ed ordered a huge pile of dirt, leveled it out planted grass that made a real back yard.

The inside of the house had a dining room, three bedrooms, a kitchen, and two bathrooms. The master bedroom had in addition to an attaching bathroom, a dressing room with a mirror and a seat to sit and do your makeup. I loved the dressing room and when Ed and I finally retired from the military and built our home in Centerville, Ed remodeled the house and made me a dressing room (with a seat) as part of my bedroom.

Our subdivision was the last built on the side of the mountain and there was only jungle across the street from us. Marc and the other kids used to play in the jungle. I would go and yell, and they would hear me and come out. They were very familiar with the dangers of the jungle (bobby-trapped marijuana fields) and knew not to go near them.


Hilo, itself hadn’t changed much. Walking along downtown I was reminded that we were all
in tsunami territory. There was a terrible tsunami in 1946 that totally wiped out Hilo and Lau pahoehoe (which we’ll go to next). One of the reasons for being hit so hard was the bay in Hilo. It channeled the wave to become narrower and higher. I recalled years ago when we lived in Hawaii, we were in the downtown bay area (which does not have a lot of buildings) and the tsunami-warning horns blared. I didn’t know what to do and the kids kept running around. A uniformed man came and told us that in was just a warning, but if it had been real, we’d all have died because we didn’t head for high land.

We ate at a place called “Lucy’s Taqueria” and had Mexican food. I had the hugest burrito I’ve ever seen. We went to a market and bought a coconut which we split open and had some coconut water.

Aiden, Diana & Jason under banyan tree.
On our way to Liliuokalani Park, we drove on Banyan Drive and saw lots of huge banyan trees. I recalled how in the summer when we lived in Hawaii, The Hilo Community Players (performing since 1938) always had a play in the park. I especially remember the year they
did “Midsummer’s Dream” under the Banyan Trees and it really was a treat. We took the kids, too—no wonder our kids are theater crazy!

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Going Back in Time--Hawaii 2020, part 3

Wilder Road We got off the main highway on Kaumana Drive and turned onto Wilder Dr...